Incredible Guide Connected

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You have an incredible guide connected.

Have you seen one of those stickers on a new laptop that says ‘Intel Inside’? If you haven’t, Google it. It means that the computer’s processor is made by Intel and of a certain high quality.

Intel Inside

In the same way, human beings who are serious about their life journey could walk around with stickers, t-shirts, or little tattoos on them saying Incredible Guide Connected.

In a world where everyone is obsessed with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what it means for our future, it is a far better idea to tap into real, eternal, infinite Intelligence. And the good news is that you have your very own angelic guide, connected and waiting to guide you.

This is excellent news! As you will see through your own experience with the steps you learn on this website, the guidance you receive is on point, tailored to you personally, very real, and incredibly helpful! Working with your guide offers you an immense advantage.

Who Are You?

One of the early parts of your life journey should be to do the work of understanding your life. Let’s begin our discussion by exploring your true identity.

You are on this planet as an eternal being — I will refer to the immortal part of you as a soul or a spirit. Every human being has a soul — it is what makes us human.

The vital bit to realize for our purposes here is that you have eternal and human parts — you are a human being. One part human and one part being. Or human and soul.

The human part is your personality, body, and mind — what and who you are here now, with your memories of this lifetime.

Your being, soul, or spirit part is eternal. It is that part of you that will keep on existing after your human death. It also already existed before (human-)you were born.

Your Eternal Part

Wherever you find yourself now, in physical space and time, reading this book, your eternal part also exists — right now. Perhaps in a different realm, with a slightly different reality of time and space, but that part of you exists. 

And your own spirit has always been your primary guide. The eternal part of you is in contact with and guides the human part of you through feeling, inspiration, and conviction.

In the same way, you also have other spirit guides. A spirit guide is or was once a human being. So some of those who have been to earth are cheering you on, guiding you, rooting for you from the other side — so to speak. And some other spirit guides are alive on this planet with you now.

Your angelic or angel guide is more important and way more powerful than your own spirit and your spirit guides.

But before we delve deeper into the topic of angel guides and the Incredible Guide Connected framework, let’s take a moment to consider the term ‘lightworker’ and what it means.

Everyone is Called to be a Lightworker

Let’s define lightwork as living from a higher spiritual consciousness — or Mindfulness. We will unpack this elsewhere, but it is essential to touch on here. 

If that is our definition, everyone alive today is called to be a lightworker. As I explain in the Be Mindful section of the website, living from Mindfulness is the primary purpose of every human being on this planet.

A lightworker realizes this and takes this primary (inner) purpose seriously. 

Angel Guides Are at the Heart of the Incredible Guide Connected Framework

Angelic or angel guides are available to everyone. Another name for these guides is guardian angels. And if you study the work of people with gifts of clearly seeing or sensing angels, you will soon learn that anyone has a guardian angel.

Lorna Byrne writes in an article entitled, Every Single Human Being Has a Guardian Angel “I have never seen any person without a guardian angel. I am continually amazed at the number of people who doubt they have one. Many are happy to accept that other people might have a guardian angel, but doubt that they have one themselves.”

Angel experts such as Lorna teach us another important fact: Angels are willing to work with anyone from any religion, including those not part of any traditional religion. Lorna writes that she sees angels in churches, mosques, synagogues, etc. They are not limited to any religion.

Yes, they might be less involved if they see you are not serious about making the most of this life in terms of what ultimately matters. But the moment you realize your primary purpose and step into your calling as a lightworker (again, everyone is called), they will take note and be a strong, helpful spiritual force in your life. 

You have an angelic guide who is right now looking out for you and guiding you along your path. Guardian angels can see things you can’t. They’re aware of realms you are not and have insights into your life, path, and mission on earth that you don’t have.

They are mighty beings. Their ability to guide you and influence your reality is strong. When you align with your angelic guide, your life takes on a power it did not have before.

The Hero’s Journey Structure

The Hero’s Journey is a phrase that was coined by Joseph Campbell. It describes the template that forms the basic structure of myths and stories. We resonate with this story template at our very core.

Study storytelling, writing good fiction, or creating good movies, and you will find that The Hero’s Journey is integral in designing a story and making it a successful novel, movie, or long-form TV series.

If the story follows the template the Hero’s Journey dictates, it will automatically resonate with most human beings. We will enjoy consuming that story, and the ending will leave us thinking it is a good novel or movie.

Your Hero’s Journey with Your Incredible Guide Connected

More than a good structure for storytelling, the Hero’s Journey provides a template for the life of actual human beings. Each of us is on a journey — let’s call it your Soul Path. This journey has obstacles — and the obstacles are good. In spirituality, we often grasp for a life of peace, joy, freedom, and abundance — but life doesn’t work like that.

Life is challenging. It is difficult, and filled with problems.

And that is the way life is meant to be. That is the path your soul meant to follow during this lifetime.

The challenges serve a purpose — they cause us to question things, including our identity. Eventually, the challenges force us to become mindful — to wake up to a Higher Consciousness. Then, serve the higher or more significant cause from a place of Mindfulness.

And like a movie would only be enjoyable to watch if something went wrong, your life is more exciting and worthwhile since you face genuine challenges. 

No Guarantees

And guess what? The outcome or success of your life along your soul path is also not guaranteed. I am convinced my brother failed his mission — and he knew it a millisecond after he pulled the trigger of the gun that took his own life. But he will surely be back to this or another similar planet and eventually learn the lessons he needs to and experience the appopriate soul growth for this part of his evolution.

So, what does the Hero’s Journey in your life look like?

You are the hero, needless to say. And you have inner and outer missions. Your inner mission is primary, and your outer mission is secondary. If the hero doesn’t transform, the story is superficial — think James Bond.

Whether you will accept these missions or not is up to you.

You also have a mentor who will encourage you to accept this mission… Your very own guardian angel or angelic guide.

The Inverted World

If you do accept your missions, you will leave the known — the ordinary world — and enter the extraordinary or inverted world.

You will face challenges and opposition (the villain) in your quest. Some call it the Valley of Giants, as you will face seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Thankfully, you will also have support and guidance from your angel guide. And if you can stay the course, you might make it through your ordeals.

Your success in achieving the outer goals of your mission relies on your inner state. Mindfulness is the key.

In the end, if you overcome your opposition, you will come away with the elixir (an intense state of Mindfulness) and return to the ordinary world to share this elixir with the people through your unique service or offering.

This Hero’s Journey is a metaphor or template for your life. But hopefully, it can also serve as a bit of a roadmap.

The Mission You Are On

So, what is the call of this mission that you’re on? As we progress through the book, we will unearth your unique mission. I will give you pointers and advice on how to find out for yourself.

It is the topic of the section of the website on Numerology — Know Your Life Path and Destiny.

The epiphany that humanity is working towards is that there is a higher realm of consciousness. When you live from this higher realm of consciousness — Mindfulness — you will find that it changes everything. 

Mindfulness needs to come first. It is primary. It is the key to a successful life. But it’s not easy. Mindful living is challenging, especially in a world 100% identified with the small, egoic mind. 

The Collective Ego

The ego gets more evil and harmful when groups gather and access their group mind or ego — think of riots, soccer hooligans, or mobs of Trump supporters. These groups do things the individuals who comprise those groups would not do when alone.

People on this planet go crazy to protect false, non-existent identities. Wars are being fought, bombs are exploding, and people are walking into populated areas with live firearms and shooting other people from a place of complete identification with the mind. 

It is utter insanity. 

The epiphany everyone is working towards is that they are more than that. We are all working towards that epiphany leading us to the promised land. To the New Earth that Eckhart Tolle writes about — a society that functions in a healthy, normal fashion.

Yes, this journey isn’t easy. Everything is set up for you to fail. Thankfully, you also have assistance in the form of your angel guide. And working with that guide significantly increases your chances of success along your soul path.

Your personal mission on this earth is destined to serve a role in moving humanity along toward this enlightened society. And the Incredible Guide Connected framework will help you nlive out that mission

You can read the Hero’s Journey for Humanity if you are curious about what that might look like.

Being a Lightworker

Mindfulness is the key.

The ‘light’ part of the term ‘lightwork’ refers to Mindfulness.

The ‘work’ part refers to three different layers or levels of being or doing:

  1. A living human being just going about their life and relationships with Mindfulness is already doing lightwork by just operating from that state. Doing lightwork in this fashion does not even require a constant state of Mindfulness. It takes years or decades to become your predominant state of being, and much great lightwork can be done from the start of an individual’s journey with Mindfulness or Presence. Simply living with Presence is the first level of lightwork.
  2. Actual work produced from the state of Mindfulness has a certain quality. It changes the planet in that it creates improvements without causing further suffering. Doing any work in this fashion can be considered the second lightwork level.
  3. Lightwork at a deeper, third level involves teaching Mindfulness (or Presence). Here, your life and work contribute to the general level of Mindfulness on the planet. In addition, your words, actions, and creations will spread knowledge about Presence and its importance on this planet. You will open portals for others to powerfully experience Mindfulness themselves, whether as a writer, coach, yoga instructor, or spiritual YouTuber (amongst dozens of possible creative vocations).

Not all people are called to the third level of lightwork, but that does not mean they are not lightworkers. They are still called to the first two levels of lightwork if they are not yet retired, in which case they might only be called to the first level.

What Level Are You?

At which level you serve as a lightworker does not determine how important you are. That would be the ego’s way of thinking — not spiritual-you.

Defining lightwork as above implies that anyone serious about living on purpose is a lightworker. Everyone is called to at least one level.

And everyone who accepts the call to be a lightworker qualifies to be significantly guided by the angelic realm. The angelic realm oversees human beings who are frequency holders for the state of Mindfulness on this planet.

If you take your calling seriously, the angels are concerned about you, your safety, your health, your freedom, your level of discipline, and the service you deliver or the creative work you produce — yes, even the business you build to serve following your soul path. Why? Because you are a valuable source of ‘light’ to this planet, and the earth needs nothing more than this ‘light.’

This would explain why much of the guidance one receives from an angelic guide comes in the form of health or discipline guidelines. They care about our well-being.

The Five-Part Incredible Guide Connected Framework

I developed a five-part framework that helps lightworkers and soul path solopreneurs connect and work with their angel guides. This is where the theory of Be Guided meets the practice of working with your guide to commence or progress along your soul path.

Read and action the following steps of the Incredible Guide Connected framework. This world needs you to live out your destiny, and the main thing your angel guide wants to help you with is that… Living out your destiny — becoming the hero of your specific journey.

The five steps are as follows:

  1. Meet Your Guide
  2. Accept the Call
  3. Ask Your Guide
  4. Listen
  5. Heed Your Guide

Step 4 is essential and is not doable in a day, week, or month. It will take some time to learn how to listen clairaudiently and discern angel guidance.