Meet Your Angel Guide

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The first step — Meet Your Angel Guide — of the Incredible Guide Connected framework is a friendly hello.

In a sense, it is an experiment. You are reaching out and then seeing what happens.

I do not doubt you will receive an answer. The timing of the response and the form it will take cannot be predicted, but the answer will come. 

I offer a prayer below that you can use as is or modify until you feel comfortable with it.

My Opinion on Prayer

I have had an issue with prayer for a long time. At a particular stage of my spiritual journey, I started feeling uncomfortable asking, asking, asking all the time. Rather than constantly speaking and asking, I started being quiet with my Source. Prayer turned contemplative for me.

And it was a great switch for me.

However, I offer some prayers on this site. These are not provided because your Source or guides do not know what you need, so you must ask them. No, these are offered more from your point of view.

Your Source and guides know what you want and need. And they know what you will get. And I don’t believe any amount of asking will change your destiny except where they need you to ask for them to have permission to intervene. Angelic guides often do not interfere until you ask for their interference.

Also, what you focus on expands, so it’s good mental focus for you to have specific prayers you use and return to as you need.

Prayer to Source and Your Angelic Guide

The following prayer is for you if you still need to meet your angel guide. If that is not you, adjust it to make sense for where you are on your journey.

Dear Source of all Light, Love, and Life, Creator of all that is, and incredible angelic guide,

I know now that I have my very own angel guide. Thank you for this. I understand that my guide was sent to help me on my earthly mission and to protect me where needed. What an incredible privilege! Thank you, Source.

Thank you that this guide will protect me, my loved ones, and my possessions to the extent that it serves my mission. Thank you for my personal mission! I can’t wait to discover my role on this lovely planet and give it my all to live that out.

Thank you to my guide for being willing to help, inspire, and guide me every step of the way. Please speak to me, dear guide. Please let me receive a message or sign to know that you are here, ready to work with me.

I am new to receiving angelic guidance… Please grant me the discernment to receive your subtle messages clearly. Please send me the necessary signs and messages to help me build my faith in this whole process. It all feels a little weird to me.

Angelic guide, please also give me your name when I am ready.

Following this prayer, I will become still and wait to see if I can hear anything. Please speak to me.

I will do what is necessary to find my calling — my life destiny and mission.

And I look forward to developing an ever-deeper relationship with You — my Source — and my guide who is close to You.


Meet Your Angel Guide

Now keep your eyes closed and become aware of your breathing. Do not try and adjust your breathing in any way. Just notice how it is calmly coming in and going out. Every breath comes and goes. If a thought comes, notice it. Let it come and go as well.

After a few minutes of breathing:

  • Place your hands over your heart space, your right hand over left, and breathe into your heart space.
  • Allow your mind consciousness to sink down into your heart — the seat of your soul.
  • Become quiet and listen for guidance. 

And if you hear a message, that is great. If you do not hear anything, please know your message or sign is coming. It is coming. If you ask, the angels always respond. If they do not answer immediately, they will when the time is right.

As you track your way through the framework and the other advice offered on Be Guided, you will evolve and change into someone who lives in alignment with the purpose and will of your guide. This will help you to be better able to receive angelic guidance.

Your guide knows your deep intentions and what is coming and will reach out to you when the timing is perfect. At that time, you will receive the right message loud and clear.

Taking the first step to reach out to meet your angel guide has set the process in motion. Have faith and peace in your heart that what needs to happen for strong contact to take place has now been initiated.