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Numerology played a large part in knowing my soul path.

As you may have read on the About page, my life path and destiny came to me unexpectedly and surprisingly. I call my visions of 911 ‘miracles’ since they were unmistakable, unexplainable, and persistent.

Angels work with miracles — events that cannot be ascribed to mere chance. I want you to be actively on the lookout for such gifts in your life as you consume and work with the content on the website.

Numerology provided me with the answers. I am a 9 Life Path and an 11 Destiny or Expression.

Know Your Life Path and Destiny

My angel guide, Odi, has never told me that numerology provides all humans with a definitive or helpful answer and that every person should get a numerology reading, book, or report. However, it helped me, and I encourage someone who needs clarification on their life path to investigate their numerology profile.

You could also turn elsewhere for answers. I encourage you to use prayer and stillness to ask your angelic guide and then wait for the answer as to what your specific mission on this planet is. This type of question is not typically answered instantly. If there is some system or book that will explain it to you, your guide will lead you to it.

But have faith. Your answer will come.

Each of us has a specific mission. You are an eternal soul who has had concrete experiences before this lifetime. Like anything in this incredible Universe (and beyond), you are also an evolving soul. You are growing and maturing, and this trip to this planet has a specific goal for your soul.

If you take your specific mission seriously, you will also catch the eye of your angel guide, who will step in powerfully to guide you.

Why I Like Numerology

Numerology is mystical. It is hard to explain to a purely logical person. Still, it offers a way for the spiritual realm to communicate with the physical realm.

Regardless of what you believe, consider the following scenario with me…

Let’s say that You — the Eternal Soul (Capital-Y) You — knew you were coming to planet Earth. You knew you would be less aligned with the Source of all Light, your fellow spirits, and your guides while you were here. Perhaps you also knew you would not have access to the spiritual memory bank as an experienced, well-traveled, and cosmic soul while you were here.

You wanted to leave yourself some clues… You were in control of where and when you were born and could choose the date you would come. Possibly, you also knew the name your selected parents would give you when you arrived.

In addition, you were aware of the numerology system that existed on this planet. You could thus leave your physical self clues about the mission you came here with by manipulating the time you came and the name your family would give you…

Does that make sense? It may sound far-fetched to the skeptic. Still, I am a mystic at heart, and this explanation makes some sense in understanding numerology. There are no alternative, less-mystical explanations for how numerology works.

I am not saying every soul will choose to communicate to every human manifestation of themselves in this fashion, but mine sure did. And it is worth checking out your numbers to see if they are meaningful to you.

If they are not, ask your guide to lead you to some explanation or system that does make sense. And then wait. In time, you will find your mission.

The Numerology Numbers

I also like that numerology gives you countless numbers explaining various things… A good numerology reading or report should cover all the information listed below.

  • Your Life Path Number: This is your unique character.
  • Your Destiny Number (also called your Expression Number): This number reveals the orientation and goal of your life.
  • Your Soul Number (your Heart’s Desire number): Your underlying urge and deep motivation.
  • Your Birthday Number: This number reveals a unique talent that you possess.
  • Your Current Name Number (also called your Minor Expression Number): This number shows additional strengths and opportunities to assist you on your journey.
  • Your Personality Number: This number reveals those aspects of your true nature that you are comfortable sharing with others at the start of a relationship.
  • Your Maturity Number: The underlying wish or desire that starts surfacing around age 30 to 45.
  • Your Karmic Lessons: Areas of weakness on a soul level you must face and work with in this life.
  • Your Challenges: Specific lessons to attend to at different times of your life.

Other helpful information about where you are on your journey and where you find yourself in your current year or cycle.

I have studied the numerology numbers of various friends and loved ones, and its accuracy is uncanny. I find every single number in my numerology meaningful and remarkably accurate.

Click here for a free numerology report about your numbers (coming soon). I also offer a more advanced paid numerology report if you want to learn more.

Other Assessments to Consider

You might feel unsatisfied with the information your numerology numbers reveal. In that case, you can consider one of the various other personality assessments, like:

  • The Enneagram,
  • StrengthsFinder 2.0, or
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

That is not an exhaustive list. There are dozens more.

I have done various tests over the years, and they were all helpful in some way. Obviously, numerology is my favorite for the reasons shared already.

Ask Your Guide

The most critical content on my site is the Incredible Guide Connected framework. If you have not studied and worked with the five steps I present there, I encourage you to do so.

Once you are more comfortable asking for and receiving angel guidance, you should ask about your life purpose and ultimate destiny on this trip to planet Earth.

Numerology is a helpful system for making sense of your life. Still, your guide will work with you to figure out the finer nuances of your calling.

Take this Seriously

Make it your priority to find your mission! This might take a lot of work, but it makes sense when you look back months or years later.

Have patience and faith that you will find your specific mission. It sometimes takes a bit of perseverance.